- AppDelegate
- CameraViewController
Manage the camera preview when using the App
- ConfigurationViewController
manage the configuration activity for the app
- LibraryTableViewController
UI class for gallery activity
- LibraryTableViewController
UI class for gallery activity
- RecordingDetailViewController
UI controller for the recorded scene detail view
- ViewController
View controller for the main activity
- Compressor
This is a sample compressor class from Apple, and its no longer used
- HttpRequestHandler
handle http request related (e.g. upload, verify)
- DeviceInfo
data holder class for device
- UserInfo
data holder class for user
- SceneInfo
data holder class for scene
- StreamInfo
data holder class for stream (Ex: encoding type, frequency and # of frames)
- CameraStreamInfo
data holder class for camera stream
- ImuStreamInfo
this subclass was used to handle 'frequency' which has been moved to StreamInfo, so it is currently the same as its superclass
- Metadata
data holder class for metadata
- MotionData
data holder class for motion data
- MotionManager
Responsible for retrieving and storing motion data
- CameraInfo
camera info data holder
- CameraInfoRecorder
retrieve camera info such as intrinsic and timestamp etc.
- ConfidenceMapRecorder
- DepthRecorder
- RGBRecorder
- ARCameraRecordingManager
- DualCameraRecordingManager
- SingleCameraRecordingManager
- StereoDepthRecordingManager
- SceneDelegate
- LibraryTableViewCell
Manages recorded scenes and allow users to view the details as well as upload them to the server
- PopUpView
Pop up view to retrieve user and scene info for the current scene
- PreviewView
The camera preview view that displays the capture output.
- Constants
- Constants.Server
- Constants.Server.Endpoints
- Helper
various helper methods
- UserDefaults.Keys
- VideoHelper
Helper methods for the videos such as get thumbnail and get # of frames in the video
- RecordingMode
- CompressionAlgorithm
- CompressionFlag
- CompressionOperation
- CameraStreamInfo.CodingKeys
- CameraViewControllerPopUpViewDelegate
- HttpRequestHandlerDelegate
- Recorder
- RecordingManager
- LibraryTableViewCellDelegate
- UIApplication
- UserDefaults
- simd_float3x3
- simd_float4x3
- simd_float4x4