Annotation Data

In MultiScan dataset, the annotations includes the 1. Semantic: semantic annotation of objects and parts, 2. OBB: semantically-oriented bounding boxes with defined front and up axis for each object, 3. Motion: motion annotation for the articulated objects.

The object and part labels in MultiScan dataset following the form object_label:part_label = object_category.object_index:part_category.part_index. For example, a bag without parts is named bag.1, a door with parts door and door_frame has the labels door.1:door.1 and door.1:door_frame.1.

Object and part labels, semantic OBB annotations and motion annotations are stored in the scanId.annotations.json file. The per face(triangle) semantic object ID and part ID are stored in the scanId.ply with two face properties objectId and partId.


Following is an example MultiScan annotation data extracted from scene_00000_00.annotations.json.

    "version": "multiscan@0.0.1",
    "scanId": "scene_00000_00",
    "objects": [
            "objectId": 1,
            "label": "wall_cabinet.1",
            "mobilityType": "fixed",
            "partIds": [1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 19],
            "obb": {
                "centroid": [-0.8508913650584475, 1.0251899118089505, -0.015568494796752987],
                "axesLengths": [3.063295787372859, 2.6116669178009033, 0.3565280712856653],
                "normalizedAxes": [-0.9975306109909383, -0.07023304162604237, -1.5594867980537856e-17, 0, -2.220446049250313e-16, 1, -0.07023304162604234, 0.9975306109909383, 2.21496290418108e-16],
                "min": [-2.3912770497061846, 0.7397937891427258, -1.3214019536972046],
                "max": [0.6894943195892895, 1.3105860344751752, 1.2902649641036987],
                "front": [0.07023304162604234, -0.9975306109909383, -2.21496290418108e-16],
                "up": [0, -2.220446049250313e-16, 1]
            "objectId": 2,
            "label": "bag.1",
            "mobilityType": "movable",
            "partIds": [
            "obb": {
                "centroid": [0.09693120858653177, 0.9104652242483331, -0.6495804935693742],
                "axesLengths": [0.2522365669610245, 0.33283099532127386, 0.15902812283054288],
                "normalizedAxes": [0.9861942396120026, 0.16559263798884283, 3.6768951880726337e-17, 0, -2.220446049250313e-16, 1, 0.16559263798884283, -0.9861942396120026, -2.1897911031398878e-16],
                "min": [-0.040612859278664634, 0.8111646556522747, -0.8159959912300112],
                "max": [0.23447527645172817, 1.0097657928443915, -0.48316499590873724],
                "front": [0.16559263798884283, -0.9861942396120026, -2.1897911031398878e-16],
                "up": [0, -2.220446049250313e-16, 1]
    "parts": [
            "partId": 1,
            "label": "door.1",
            "articulations": [
                "type": "rotation",
                "origin": [-1.4811853829377406, 0.8572279858589172, 0.9886049665923767],
                "state": 0,
                "axis": [0.02977539182170522, 0, -0.9995566147256812],
                "rangeMin": 0,
                "rangeMax": 1.5707963267948966,
                "isClosed": true
            "parentId": 19
            "partId": 14,
            "label": "bag.1"
            "partId": 19,
            "label": "wall_cabinet.1"
version (string)

A string describes the current version of the MultiScan dataset

scanId (string)

The corresponding scan ID of the annotation data, following the naming convention scanId = scene_xxxxx_xx, where xxxxx is a number string with leading zeros represents the index of the scene, xx is a number string with leading zeros represents the index of the scan.


objects (list: dict)

A list of dict, where each dict contains the info of an annotated object. The info includes objectId, label, partIds, mobilityType and obb.

objects.objectId (string)

The ID of the annotated object, it is the index + 1 of the object in the objects list.

objects.label (string)

The label (object_label) of the annotated object, following the naming convention: object_label = object_category.object_index.

objects.partIds (list: int)

A list of part IDs (partIds) of the annotated parts belong to the labeled object, the annotations of this part can be found in the parts with the matching partId. If the object has no children parts, the object is considered as has only 1 part, and the part is labeled the same as the object label.

objects.mobilityType (string)

The object mobility type, which is on of the type in [arch, fixed, movable].

objects.obb (dict)

A dictionary contains the data of the annotated semantically-oriented bounding boxes (OBB). The OBB is in the 3D world coordinate system that the scan is currently in. The OBB has following attributes: centroid, axesLengths, normalizedAxes, min, max, front, up.

objects.obb.centroid (list: float)

A 3x1 float vector [x, y, z] represents the 3D position of the OBB centroid.

objects.obb.axesLengths (list: float)

A 3x1 float vector represents the full side lengths of the OBB, the direction of each side is defined in normalizedAxes.

objects.obb.normalizedAxes (list: float)

A 9x1 float vector represents the column major 3x3 rotation matrix, where each of the columns represent one of the normalized axes (with vector length 1) of the oriented bounding box. Each axis has 3 float numbers xyz defines the direction of the OBB edges.

objects.obb.min (list: float)

A 3x1 float vector represents the min bounds for geometry coordinates, which is one of the corner points in the OBB with minimum xyz positional values.

objects.obb.max (list: float)

A 3x1 float vector represents the max bounds for geometry coordinates, which is one of the corner points in the OBB with maximum xyz positional values.

objects.obb.front (list: float)

A 3x1 float vector represents the normalized front direction of the object. The front axis should be parallel to one of the axes stored in normalizedAxes.

objects.obb.up (list: float)

A 3x1 float vector represents the normalized up direction of the object. The up axis should be parallel to one of the axes stored in normalizedAxes.


Add figures and highlights for the visualizing the geometric meaning for the obb attributes


parts (list: dict)

A list of dict, where each dict contains the info of an annotated part. The info includes partId, |annotation_data_parts_label|_, |annotation_data_parent_id|_, articulations.

parts.partId (string)

The ID of the annotated part, it is the index + 1 of the part in the |annotation_data_parts_parts|_ list.

parts.label (string)

The label (part_label) of the annotated part, following the naming convention: part_label = part_category.part_index.

parts.parentId (string)

The partId of the parent part. If the part is the root part, it will not have this property.

parts.articulations (list: dict):

A list of annotated annotations the part has.

parts.articulations.type (string)

The articulation type of the movable part. There are 2 types of the articulation: rotation, translation.

For the movable parts with motion type rotation, the part rotate around the annotated joint with the range [rangeMin, rangeMax].

For the movable parts with motion type translation, the part translate along the annotated joint with the range [rangeMin, rangeMax].

parts.articulations.origin (list: float)

A 3x1 float vector represents the joint origin position, which is the anchor point of the joint and defines the starting position of the joint. The joint origin is in the 3D world coordinate system that the scan is currently in.

parts.articulations.axis (list: float)

A 3x1 float vector represents the normalized joint direction (with vector length 1). The joint starts from the origin and pointing towards the direction defined by axis.

parts.articulations.rangeMin (float)

The minimum range of the motion that the movable part can reach relative to the current state. The unit is radians for the rotation type motion, The unit is m (meter) for the translation type motion.

parts.articulations.rangeMax (float)

The maximum range of the motion that the movable part can reach relative to the current state. The unit is radians for the rotation type motion, The unit is m (meter) for the translation type motion.

parts.articulations.state (float)

The current state of the movable part. The state value is within the range [rangeMin, rangeMax].

parts.articulations.isClosed (bool)

A boolean value defines whether the movable part is in the closed state. Parts with state value smaller than the threshold 0.1 is considered closed.

Mesh with vertex color and per face semantics

Mesh with same geometry as the textured mesh, but has vertex colors instead of UV mapped textures. This mesh file is stored in scene_xxxxx_xx.ply in PLY binary format. The mesh has attributes vertices, vertex normals, vertex colors, faces, objectId, partId. Following is an example of the ASCII version of the ply header in the mesh:

format binary_little_endian 1.0
comment VCGLIB generated
element vertex 150014
property double x
property double y
property double z
property double nx
property double ny
property double nz
property uchar red
property uchar green
property uchar blue
property uchar alpha
element face 295662
property list uchar int vertex_indices
property ushort objectId
property ushort partId

Use the per face objectId and partId to find the annotations of the objects and parts in the scanId.annotations.json.