All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Class Description ApiConfig API config used forARCoreVideoCaptureActivity
ARCoreVideoCaptureActivity ARCore activity that let user record the rgb frames, depth frames and depth confidence maps using Google's ARCoreBackgroundRenderer This class renders the AR background from camera feed.CameraFrameInfo Retrieve camera info such as camera intrinsics and camera pose and translate them in to one json objectCameraInfo Data class that hold all the information about the recorded scene and convert them into a json objectCustomCompressor Compressor that will convert a file into a compressed file using a DeflaterCustomFileWriter A CustomFileWriter class that write text data to local storageCustomStreamWriter A single stream writer object that will write compressed stream to local storageCustomStreamWriterManager A stream writer manger class that can manages multiple CustomStreamWriter.DepthTextureHandler Handle RG8 GPU texture containing a DEPTH16 depth image.DisplayRotationHelper Helper to track the display rotations.FileStreamer File Streamer class that is used to write to phone's local storage used inVideoCaptureActivity
FullScreenHelper Helper to set up the Android full screen mode.GalleryActivity Shows user all previous scans and let users rewatch the previous scans and upload them to the serverIMUSession An IMUSession class that is used to retrieve sensor informationMainActivity The app's main activity where users can select different capture mode, go the the gallery etc.PermissionHelper PermissionHelper that is used to manage App's permissions such as camera and access to external storage permissionPreferenceActivity This is where user saves their information such as name and device name.PreferenceActivity.MySettingsFragment Manage the view of the settings activity.ServerUploadActivity Handle file uploads to the serverServerUploadActivity.UploadStatus ServiceGenerator Responsible for generate a Retrofit object (REST Client) that allows us to make HTTP requestsShaderUtil Shader helper functions.SnackbarHelper Helper to manage the sample snackbar.SnackbarHelper.DismissBehavior TrackingStateHelper Gets human readibly tracking failure reasons and suggested actions.Util A utility class that contains helper functions forVideoCaptureActivity
Util.CompareSizeByArea A helper class that is used into choose the optimal size for camera preview
VideoCaptureActivity The videoCapture page including a camera preview and a record button.VideoCaptureActivity.CompareSizeByArea A helper class that is used inVideoCaptureActivity.setupCamera(int, int)
to choose the optimal size for camera previewVideoEncoderHelper VideoPlayActivity Replay recorded rgb video