OPD: Single-view 3D Openable Part Detection [ECCV 2022, Oral]

Hanxiao Jiang, Yongsen Mao, Manolis Savva, Angel X. Chang

Code Paper

We address the task of predicting what parts of an object can open and how they move when they do so. The input is a single image of an object, and as output we detect what parts of the object can open, and the motion parameters describ- ing the articulation of each openable part. To tackle this task, we create two datasets of 3D objects: OPDSynth based on existing synthetic objects, and OPDReal based on RGBD reconstructions of real objects. We then design OPDRCNN, a neural architecture that detects openable parts and predicts their motion parameters. Our experiments show that this is a challenging task especially when considering general- ization across object categories, and the limited amount of information in a single image. Our architecture outperforms baselines and prior work especially for RGB image inputs.



Example articulated objects from the OPDSynth dataset and the OPDReal dataset. The first row is from OPDSynth. Left: different openable part categories (lid, in orange, drawer in green, door in red). Right: Cabinet objects with different kinematic structures and varying numbers of openable parts. The second row is from our OPDReal dataset. Left: reconstructed cabinet and its semantic part segmentation. Right: example reconstructed objects from different categories.

Illustration of the network structure for our OPDRCNN-C and OPDRCNN-O architectures. We leverage a MaskRCNN backbone to detect openable parts. Additional heads are trained to predict motion parameters for each part.



Below are datasets and pre-trained models for our three repos to download

OPD Project :     OPD Dataset     OPD Pre-trained Models
OPDPN Baseline Project :     OPDPN Dataset     OPDPN Pre-trained Models
ANCSH Baseline Project :     ANCSH Dataset     ANCSH Pre-trained Models


@inproceedings{jiang2022opd, title={OPD: Single-view 3D openable part detection}, author={Jiang, Hanxiao and Mao, Yongsen and Savva, Manolis and Chang, Angel X}, booktitle={Computer Vision--ECCV 2022: 17th European Conference, Tel Aviv, Israel, October 23--27, 2022, Proceedings, Part XXXIX}, pages={410--426}, year={2022}, organization={Springer} }


This work was funded in part by a Canada CIFAR AI Chair, a Canada Research Chair and NSERC Discovery Grant, and enabled in part by support provided by WestGrid and Compute Canada. We thank Sanjay Haresh for help with scanning and narration for our video, Yue Ruan for scanning and data annotation, and Supriya Pandhre, Xiaohao Sun, and Qirui Wu for help with annotation.